Hugsies Blog!

September 24, 2010

Avatars Untied

Filed under: Second Life Shit! — Tags: , — Hugsie @ 2:05 am

No I’m not having a moment of dyslexia. Today I got an email from LL saying they are closing down Avatars United. No big loss, no one used it, I didn’t see any point to it at all.  It was basically Facebook for avatars, but most people just use FACEBOOK for thier avatars (Or MySpace). DUH!

The thing that surprises me is the email says it’s been around for two years. Really? I never heard of it until LL decided to buy them up some time earlier this year. I kept getting annoying invites to use it so I figured. why not?  It has some interesting bits but only one person I knew used it, and the novelty wore off fast.

But hey Avatars United lasted longer than M Linden as CEO did, but no one used M Linden either.

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